dinsdag 18 maart 2008

Duathlon Photos - TVH Hilversum

Well this makes a change from weddings!  Out in the rain and mud for a few hours, wellies on, umbrella up and camera round my neck.  In one of the photos you'll see runners coming at me and me in the middle.  It looks pretty exciting but actually I was standing behind a small tree which was just big enough!!  It rained the whole morning and then it really started to pour.  Thank goodness for watertight cameras and my good old garden wellies (for those who don't know what these are well their just 'laarzen').  

vrijdag 14 maart 2008

SVFN photos

I took these photos at the recent SVFN (Samenwerkende VakFotografen Nederland) get together at Arnhem.   It was great for networking and even got to 'shoot' some nice models.  Here are a few - I'm in for a different angle or something unusual, which I guess you'll also see in my wedding shoots - www.thetruelight.nl/weddings.html   Hope you like the shots.   My absolute favo - the one in the door opening and the fire hose!!   
I'm going to make a big effort to do some more free work............get myself away from 'behind the mac'      bye, Brian

donderdag 13 maart 2008

Wedding photos - Arjen & Sandra

It took some time to get them posted on my blog but here are some of my favourite photos taken at Arjen & Sandra's wedding near Ede in December last year!  This was an extra special wedding as both Arjen & Sandra have impaired hearing and a lot of the ceremony and actually the whole day was done in sign language.  I had an immensely good time and enjoyed every minute of the day.   The album I made was enthousiastically received - this is what they said:   We zijn super enthousiast over het album! Geweldige foto’s een prachtig album gemaakt.  Het resultaat mag er  zijn! Heel erg bedankt voor de super mooie foto’s die je op onze bruiloft hebt gemaakt.
Daar doe ik het voor!!